Tuesday, December 13, 2011

#94- Keep a “my day in 6 words” blog every day for a month

I figured this one would be on the easy side of my goals. But surprisingly, condensing an entire day's worth of feelings, activities and accomplishments into 6 words is not as easy as it sounds.  Often as I sat down to post my 6 words blog entry at the end of the day, I discovered that I had either too little or too much to say.  How can I fit a wonderful Thanksgiving into 6 words?  And conversely, what do I really have to say about a day spent being totally lazy?

Looking back over my entire month's worth of blog entries, I notice several themes.  The first one I noticed is that I'm a positive person. There are very few entries in the entire blog that are sad, depressing, or negative.  I am very proud to think that I'm a glass-half-full type of person, and seeing documented proof is encouraging.

Another theme of the blog is that I am so overwhelmingly blessed by the people in my life.  My family and friends are mentioned many times and always in the most positive light.  Clearly I got incredibly lucky with the ones I didn't pick (aka family).  And I chose rather well the ones that I did pick (friends).

Since this is a project based on words and numbers, I thought it would be cool to look at the final result in terms of frequency of word use. Here are some of my most frequently used words in the blog and how many times I used them:

Great/good/best/awesome/wonderful/delightful - 8
Friends - 7
Love (d) - 5
Laughter / laughing / smile - 3
Feel (s) - 3
Family - 2
Exciting / excited - 2

To sum up this goal achievement in 6 words:

If you're interested, the link to my entire 6 Words blog is here.


LoveMuffins said...

I enjoyed reading your 6 words a day, a little sad that it's over now!

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