Saturday, November 19, 2011

#54- “Best Picture” Oscar winners- "Broadway Melody" (1929)

Today I set out to watch "The Broadway Melody," as a part of goal #54 (see every movie that's won a “Best Picture” Oscar, rewatch ones I've already seen 1/85).  Now, I thought, this one has to be right up my alley- the poster itself says "Talking, Singing, Dancing!"

And true to its word, it was full of talking, singing, and dancing.

I have to admit, I kinda liked this movie, even though the bad stuff was really bad.  I think it's best if I just list the pros and cons, because I had a lot of differing thoughts through this one.


TERRIBLE musical numbers- My husband and I were trying to figure out why they were so bad. Was if that the sloppiness in the dancing and singing was the style left over from Vaudeville acts?  Was it because film was expensive to shoot back then so they "dumbed down" the performing so they'd have to take as few shots as possible?  Or worst of all, was that actually what passed for good back then?! Whatever the reason, it quite seriously was worse than any high school show I've ever seen.

Awful cutaways- It was painfully obvious and even jarring every time they made a cut to a different take of the same scene. I know, I know, it's an old movie.  Obviously they were still getting the hang of things. But even so, as a viewer it was distracting.

The portrayal of women- The women in the movie were often weak-willed, submissive, and subservient.  When they broke those conventions, they were portrayed as little girls throwing temper tantrums. And of course once one of the female leads gets married, she quits her career immediately. It rubbed me the wrong way, but I supposed it's to be expected for this period of time. 

MORE AWKWARD KISSING- Seriously what is with this?  Was this a thing back then?  People kissing other people on the mouth that they really shouldn't be?
Exhibit A- Dude kissing his girlfriend's sister (yes that's also an awkward subtitle for it):

Exhibit B: Same sisters kissing:

WTF is all I have to say.


Funny- The satirical view of broadway politics had us cracking up.  There's a hilarious catfight and the heroine stands up for herself and gets in the producer's face like a little wildcracker. And yes, some serious parts that weren't meant to be funny had us laughing as well. It was obvious to me that these were actors that were used to "big" (aka "over") acting.  There were always huge expressions and gestures. Overall it was entertaining.

Touching- At the climax of the film, the heroine performs a very generous and selfless act by convincing her boyfriend that she really doesn't love him and that if he loves her sister he should go for it.  She really is in love with him, yet, knowing how much it will pain her to see them together she urges him to go after her sister. I was moved by the scene, even through all the overacting and exaggerated gestures.

Costumes- They were sometimes outrageous, sometimes fantastic. I have to admit I would like to do this show with an amazing costume director just to get to wear stuff like the costumes in this movie.

All in all, I enjoyed the movie.  Not the best I've ever seen, but it was fun to watch. And I'm glad I have seen it, given that it was the first musical to win an Oscar. Cross this one off the list!


Kyle said...

It was so satirical! I still think I'm right about that. And for the record, I DID enjoy watching it! :)

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